5th to 6th Grade Transition
We are excited to get to know you and to watch you learn and grow. We have an amazing staff and we work hard to make sure that your middle school years are the best ever. We are thrilled that you chose Ezekiel Gillespie! (click this link for find out more)
5th to 6th Grade Transition Newsletter - Edition 1
Dual Language Immersion information
Got more questions? Just ask!
Principal: Melanie Thiel: mmthiel@madison.k12.wi.us
Assistant Principal: Jabalja Gussine: jkgussine@madison.k12.wi.us
School Counselor: Tricia Berger: tlcrowley@madison.k12.wi.us
Instructional Coach: Marie Nikolay: mknikolay@madison.k12.wi.us
Special Ed. Program Support Teacher: Michael Talledge: mtalledge@madison.k12.wi.us
BRT (Bilingual Resource Teacher): Arabel Marcano Colón: amarcanocolo@madison.k12.wi.us
School Social Worker: Alexandra Fayen: afayen@madison.k12.wi.us
MSCR / After School Coordinator: ichardy@madison.k12.wi.us